Thursday, June 2, 2011

Memorial Day weekend

On Saturday, we ventured to Colfax to visit my cousins. Colfax is about 20 minutes east of Bondurant, my hometown. My cousin Anne and her husband and son had flown in from Atlanta for the weekend. My cousin Margaret and her boyfriend drove over from Omaha, and my cousin Evan lives in Colfax with his wife and three children. We all met at my aunt and uncle's house. It was a bit of a disjointed visit. Anne's 20-month-old son, Sammy, was sick and they took him to an urgent care clinic shortly before Evan and his family arrived. With a daughter, Taryn, who's almost 3 and twin 3-month-old sons, it understandably takes Evan's family a while to get going. My parents and brother, Matt, also drove over. We were glad to see everybody, even though the visit was pieced together!

Juliana with the twins. Aidan, left, is two pounds smaller than Caleb, right.

Roger and Juliana playing with Caleb.

Juliana holding Aidan.
As I said before, we didn't get everyone's pictures with all the coming and going!

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